Rodimus Prime
Nov 11, 02:53 PM
FCP is dieing. It lags well behind the other software and the killing of the xServer just adds more to it.
Jun 19, 07:10 AM
Hi all!
Will anyone be going to CPW on Thursday for iPhone 4?
Will anyone be going to CPW on Thursday for iPhone 4?
Sep 4, 07:40 PM
This month

Nov 29, 09:25 PM
The cries of the entertainment industry fall on pretty deaf ears in my house.
Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:
It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.
Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.
Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.
Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.
Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.
Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.
IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.
The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.
I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.
Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.
The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.
And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...
I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.
Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.
Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.
Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:
It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.
Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.
Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.
Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.
Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.
Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.
IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.
The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.
I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.
Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.
The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.
And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...
I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.
Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.
Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.
Feb 22, 02:11 AM
how can i record multiple channels from a yamaha o1v96 with midi out into my mac with garageband. And be able to mix later.
Apr 28, 05:05 PM
I used to have the iPhone but I switched to Verizon when the iPhone 4 came out--didn't care for its hardware design, or for the dropped calls on AT&T. I've stayed away from the iPhone since its release on Verizon, too; I still don't care for the hardware design. We'll see what happens with iPhone 5, I guess.
Apr 25, 10:29 AM
The white location tracking device will finally ship! Whoop-de-do.
Apr 28, 04:16 PM
No 3G internet while on a ohone call kills it for me. I'll stick with AT&T.
Jan 10, 01:20 AM
OK, so Steve is making good on his promise of "Apple everywhere", hence the "Apple, Inc." conversion. But seriously, those of us outside the USA will not see the iPhone until late �07 (we follow the European market rather than the Asian), and while we�ll get the units unlocked (so we need not worry about plans and cellular providers) that�s still almost a year away. :rolleyes:
While I�ll be ordering the Apple TV and the new AP Extreme, the keynote left too many questions unanswered: Where are the Leopard previews? I doubt Apple will announce a special event just for its operating system and applications, so are we to wait until WWDC to get another look at the next OS?:confused: Is Apple abandoning its policy of a yearly upgrade to iLife? And what about the hardware (2ed generation Mac Pros / new portables � etc)? Where are the expansions to international iTunes stores and iDisk?
Apple, Inc. is hardly a day old and already I don�t like the way the company chose to announce new products :(
While I�ll be ordering the Apple TV and the new AP Extreme, the keynote left too many questions unanswered: Where are the Leopard previews? I doubt Apple will announce a special event just for its operating system and applications, so are we to wait until WWDC to get another look at the next OS?:confused: Is Apple abandoning its policy of a yearly upgrade to iLife? And what about the hardware (2ed generation Mac Pros / new portables � etc)? Where are the expansions to international iTunes stores and iDisk?
Apple, Inc. is hardly a day old and already I don�t like the way the company chose to announce new products :(
Sep 24, 04:17 PM
So this kid is a straight A student and is very bright. But he argues with his parents a lot and, like any other teenager, is disrespectful. Should any of these factors influence a parent's decision? On one hand, he has proven to be responsible, saving money and getting good grades. On the other hand, he's moody and often shuts himself off from the rest of the family.YES! I strongly feel that what you've mentioned definitely has an impact! If he is bright, he is more likely to get in trouble and if he tends to 'shut himself off from the rest of the family' then shooting him down when he finally opens up and tells the truth and offers some insight into his 'closed' life would be detrimental in my book!
By all means, talk about all of this with him instead of just thinking it over. If he is bright and has shown responsibility as you say, then give him the chance to discuss this situation w/ you. Even if you aren't comfortable w/ allowing him to, then say so! Tell him that you'd rather he didn't but that honestly, you will support him if he still chose too. Tell him that you know he is bright and responsible and assuch you'd expect no less from him than to practice safe sex should things escalate to that level.
But he has shown initiative in telling you the truth... show him the respect he deserves because yes, respect is a two-way street. He has respected the parent (sorry got carried away by saying 'you' and whatnot instead of 'his parent') enough to bring this up the parent should do well by him and return that respect.
By all means, talk about all of this with him instead of just thinking it over. If he is bright and has shown responsibility as you say, then give him the chance to discuss this situation w/ you. Even if you aren't comfortable w/ allowing him to, then say so! Tell him that you'd rather he didn't but that honestly, you will support him if he still chose too. Tell him that you know he is bright and responsible and assuch you'd expect no less from him than to practice safe sex should things escalate to that level.
But he has shown initiative in telling you the truth... show him the respect he deserves because yes, respect is a two-way street. He has respected the parent (sorry got carried away by saying 'you' and whatnot instead of 'his parent') enough to bring this up the parent should do well by him and return that respect.
Apr 3, 03:17 PM
On my MBP.
Apr 20, 03:00 PM
Thought I would take a pic of my other production box, being the G5 is busy ripping a movie with handbrake! Hope I don't offend!
can you please post the original? or link?
can you please post the original? or link?
Jan 12, 09:34 PM
Not sure if somebody has caught this yet, but there's HD content available already on iTunes this evening (screenshots attached). They're calling it AppleTV HD. It's just some podcasts right now, but I'd consider it a good omen.
Mar 25, 03:09 PM
Is he the reason OS X has such bad opengl support?
I guess OSX just wasn't meant for gaming/serious 3D graphics work.
It's amazing that Core Audio/Core Midi is better than anything on Windows. But they can't do a great graphics API like Direct X or better Open GL implementation.
I guess OSX just wasn't meant for gaming/serious 3D graphics work.
It's amazing that Core Audio/Core Midi is better than anything on Windows. But they can't do a great graphics API like Direct X or better Open GL implementation.
May 6, 12:32 PM
The white looks like a cheap piece of plastic to me
The white looks like a cheap piece of plastic to me
Mar 4, 01:10 PM
I'll have my new i7-2600k computer coming online sometime next week after I complete its construction and thorough testing (ahem.. overclocking..). All of the parts for it are arriving today (including the new revised SB motherboard finally!), but except for unfortunately the ram is coming via USPS and is currently in Ontario, CA bound for northern CA so it may be here on saturday but I'm not optimistic. I'm pretty excited for this actually, this will be (relatively speaking) the fastest computer I've ever had.
Apr 29, 12:42 PM
I will say something about SPRINT. First off, that article is WRONG!
Baltimore, Maryland is the 1st SPRINT test market for 4G, but it's not even mentioned in that article! I know so because SPRINT is actively advertising it and it's been in other press reports. So how many other test markets did they miss in their alleged comparison of 4G vs. 3G I wonder?
Um, all of them, I guess. That test was carried out locally, since the local city, at that time, provided "4G" from the 3 tested providers. I'm not sure why that would be a problem for you. The only issue I have with it is that Tmob is not tested to cover all 4 national providers, perhaps that wasn't up and running in Detroit at the time. Maybe you'll like this?:
So, what magical speed does Sprint offer in Baltimore? Considering that they only claim maximum 6Mbps speed for their "4G" network, and that was achieved in the test, you shouldn't have any problem with it.
"4G" is the problem. As marketed:
Sprint ( up to 6Mbps
AT&T ( up to 6Mbps
Tmob ( up to 21Mbps (however, I never see test reports breaking 8Mbps)
VZW ( up to 12Mbps (but test reports show higher speeds)
Do you see anything amiss in the use of the same word for all that?
Baltimore, Maryland is the 1st SPRINT test market for 4G, but it's not even mentioned in that article! I know so because SPRINT is actively advertising it and it's been in other press reports. So how many other test markets did they miss in their alleged comparison of 4G vs. 3G I wonder?
Um, all of them, I guess. That test was carried out locally, since the local city, at that time, provided "4G" from the 3 tested providers. I'm not sure why that would be a problem for you. The only issue I have with it is that Tmob is not tested to cover all 4 national providers, perhaps that wasn't up and running in Detroit at the time. Maybe you'll like this?:
So, what magical speed does Sprint offer in Baltimore? Considering that they only claim maximum 6Mbps speed for their "4G" network, and that was achieved in the test, you shouldn't have any problem with it.
"4G" is the problem. As marketed:
Sprint ( up to 6Mbps
AT&T ( up to 6Mbps
Tmob ( up to 21Mbps (however, I never see test reports breaking 8Mbps)
VZW ( up to 12Mbps (but test reports show higher speeds)
Do you see anything amiss in the use of the same word for all that?
Apr 7, 10:30 PM
Overpriced. These games are ancient and most of them don't offer much gameplay at all. Plus it cost atari essentially nothing to put this app out. If they made it $0.99 for the hundred pack then it'd be no-brainer, we'd buy it just for the nostalgia alone. I could conceivably see paying up to $4.99 for the hundred pack for the very small handful of games that are actually worth playing. But $14.99 for these junky games? No way.
p.s., I'm not saying all old games are bad, quite the contrary, there are a lot of fantastic old games that still hold up well, but the atari era of games were especially crappy.
p.s., I'm not saying all old games are bad, quite the contrary, there are a lot of fantastic old games that still hold up well, but the atari era of games were especially crappy.
Oct 5, 11:14 PM
I don't know about you guys but I have Windows/OS X and for the windows part I am falling in love with Opera it is the fastest browser for windows, in is small with tight coding and it doesn't use all your RAM. I hope this comes to mac if it does well that would be the ****
Mar 14, 08:08 PM
xi mezmerize ix
Oct 13, 09:06 AM
Meow. (
That's creepy.
That's creepy.
Apr 30, 07:49 PM
This is great news if it means the end of mobile me. Die Mobile Me - DIE DIE DIE. Anything will be better than the self centered sounding I simply will not use the email address in a professional context. Don't mind, and still use it, but sends the wrong message.
The problem with .Me is all in your mind. No one really cares what the extension is, it just a means to an end. Short suffixes are must easier, whatever they are.
The problem with .Me is all in your mind. No one really cares what the extension is, it just a means to an end. Short suffixes are must easier, whatever they are.
Jul 30, 09:50 PM
Has it arrived yet?
Feb 16, 02:42 PM
Maybe a bit late, but:
Congratulations to all the new moderators and to edesignuk for becoming a mod mini (love your macros and keira) :p
Im sure this will help the amazing MR community.
Congratulations to all the new moderators and to edesignuk for becoming a mod mini (love your macros and keira) :p
Im sure this will help the amazing MR community.
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